Fall Pasture Management

With summer coming to a close and fall just around the corner, it is a great time to start preparing your pastures for the winter months. For extra healthy grass and foliage, take a look at these tips:
- Test your soil- testing the pH levels of your soil is essential to see what nutrients your soil is missing and/or needs supplemented. If your soil has a pH of 5.9 or lower, you’ll want to add limestone to help raise the pH. A pH of 6.0 or higher means the soil is nutrient-rich. The more nutrients, the healthier and lusher your pasture will be!
- Seeding and Weeding– Sowing your seeds in the fall gives your pasture enough time to establish deep roots to survive winter and store enough energy for successful spring growth. The type of grass seeds you will want to plant depends on your location, but here in Kentucky, we like a mixture of Kentucky Bluegrass, orchard grass, and white clover. For optimal growth, be sure to minimize the number of weeds in your pastures, as they will steal valuable resources from your good plants.
- Mowing and Dragging– mowing is a great way to encourage grass growth and maintain clean pastures. If your grass is still recovering from the summer heat, remember to raise your deck to avoid uprooting the grass. Also, consider dragging your pastures to spread manure piles and recycle nutrients back into the soil.
If you take these steps, you should be in good shape for a healthy and hardy pasture for the spring!
And, don’t forget, we are partnered with great companies that have products that make pasture management easy. If you need mowers, aerators, seeders. skidsteers, tractors, manure spreaders or anything similar, we got you covered!
Fall Horse Care
While you are taking the time to look after your pasture, fall care for your horses is also essential. Now is the time to start preparing them for winter nutritionally, physically, and medically!

- Nutrition- as the weather gets cooler, pasture quality tends to fade out as the grass prepares itself for winter. Knowing your horse’s nutritional needs and typical weight management. Think about your hay quality and quantity as well as additional vitamin supplementation.
- Exercise- a change in season and temperature can affect your horse’s exercise routine. Always make changes to your horse’s exercise program gradually and develop a plan to maintain their joints, heart, and muscles through the colder months.
- Healthcare- Fall is a great time for a comprehensive health exam for your horse. Your vet can also discuss nutritional and physical needs. It’s important to discuss these other topics as well: dental exam, vaccinations, deworming, and soundness.
Horses need care year-round, but special attention during the changing of the seasons can help ease horses into different environments with their unique challenges.

Fall New Holland September Promotions
We are here to help you get all your equipment needs at the best prices available! New Holland offers an impressive line of construction equipment such as skid steer loaders, compact track loaders, compact excavators, and other light construction equipment. Through our program, you can get additional savings off these great products as well as other tractors, hay equipment, and more!

Equine Equipment is always here to help you with your equipment or supply needs. From tractors to balers to zeroturns to paint, we do it all! If you are in the market for new equipment and are a active participant in the equine industry, please reach out to us and we can help you SAVE!
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