How To Choose The Right Mower For You!
Shopping for a new mower is very exciting! You may have some questions on how to decide on what type of mower will work best for you and your property. The top three key things to look at are: deck size, engine power and intent-of-use. Here are some useful tips to consider while you are beginning your search:
● Your property’s topography– remember to consider the amount of flat space, hills, trees and tight spaces on your property. This is important in determining suitable deck size.
● How frequently you plan to mow– If you cut your lawn infrequently (say, every other week), it is suggested to consider getting a higher-horsepower mower with a deck that’s 60 inches or wider. Since you will be cutting less often, your grass will be taller and thicker so you’ll need a more powerful engine to cut through it. Also, adding horsepower (i.e., going with a larger deck size) is a good idea if your lawn has a lot of weeds, or simply lacks grass.
● Storage and Transport– if you’re thinking about buying a 60-inch mower or larger, keep in mind you’ll need a space that’s large enough to store it in. Also if you are transporting it to different properties or to get serviced, you will need a large enough trailer to fit its deck size.
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There are a lot of little things to consider when getting ready to purchase your new mower. You can rest assured that Exmark holds their equipment to the highest quality standards and you will not be
FUN FACT: Exmark produces large mowers that can have a deck size of 144 inches! Transporting these massive machines might seem intimidating but there is an easy solution. On Exmark’s 96” and 144” mowers, the wings of the deck are actually able to fold up (as pictured below) for easy transport!

Horses and Hydration
Summer heat can be just as hard on horses as it is to humans. Protecting your horse from summer heat and preventing dehydration is a crucial part
of providing basic care for your animal. Keep in mind this extra tips to keep your horse cool and safe:
● Always provide access to fresh, clean water– horses can be finicky creatures and always never seem to drink when you want them to. So goes the saying, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Providing clean and cool water at all times ensures healthy drinking habits and good horsemanship.
● Salt– we all know salt makes you thirsty! To encourage adequate drinking, provide a salt lick to your horse in their stall or pasture or sprinkle some salt on the grain/hay.
● Access to shade/shelter– standing in the hot sun without any form of relief can be very detrimental. Horses suffer from heat stress as well so make sure they have access to some shade!
● Cold water showers– we all appreciate some cold water on a hot day. If your horse is overheated from the summer sun, slowly wash them off with some cold water. Be sure to start gradually from their legs to their body, otherwise there is a risk of cold-shocking their nervous system.

Signs of Heat Stress– as hard as we try, sometimes horses do get overheated. Here are some signs to watch for that could indicate your
horse is in distress:
● Labored/rapid breathing
● Excessive sweating
● Erratic heartbeat
● Restlessness
● Increased body temperature (normal for horses is 99.5-101 degrees Fahrenheit, overheated is 102+)
If your horse begins to show any of these symptoms, be sure to remove them from direct sun and contact your veterinarian. Cooling down a hot horse too fast can be detrimental! Read more here:

Equine Equipment is here to help you save on all of your farm equipment needs. From tractors to mowers to arena footing, we got you covered! Give us a call to see if you’re eligible for these exclusive discounts!
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